Wood Pellet Stove Available in BC, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Canada

AUM1902 Auger Motor

AUM1902: A new and unique Auger motor design to give more reliability and strength with  a very quite operation, located at rear of pellet stove just bellow hopper - for model S1902 and HP-22.
You Save$40.00 (14%)
Weight1 lb
AUM1902: A new and unique Auger motor design to give more reliability and strength with  a very quite operation, located at rear of pellet stove just bellow hopper - for model S1902 and HP-22.
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SURSTD-P PelletSove Shrout APR
$299.00 $35.88 $334.88 Remove
AUM1902 Auger Motor
$239.00 $28.68 $267.68 Remove
Goods Total
$538.00 $64.56 $602.56